Lawn Maintenance
Forevergreen is licensed and insured to provide premium landscape maintenance services here in Huntsville and Madison County, AL.

Our Lawn maintence services include but are not limited to:
Lawn Maintenance
Including cutting lawns at the correct height depending on the type of grass and time of year, edging and weed-eating, and blowing off of all porch, patio, sidewalk, and driveway areas.
Bed Maintenance
Including removal of all leaves, debris, and weeding of all beds through each season. Pruning of shrubs three to four times throughout the growing season depending on the growth of the shrubs.
Mulching of Beds
Includes mulching of beds once or twice a year. To maintain the moisture level and temperature level through out the beds. For plants to strive during the hot and frigid times of the year. It also adds organic matter to the beds for plants to feed off of easier.
Hard Pruning
Includes pruning back of the perennials, crape myrtles, grasses, and roses in the winter and early spring. Also any other vegetation that needs it. Pruning ornamental plants correctly and at the correct time of the year will add to the health and aesthetics of the plant.